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Biochemical Oxygen Demand.
Meter With Self-Stirring Dissolved Oxygen/BOD/ATC Electrode
DO 2700
Designed for optimal performance and versatility, the DO 2700 come with intuitive, advance set-up options for extensive user-customization at an affordable price! Meter comes with self-stirring probe and bi-directional RS232 – ideal for BOD and other Dissolved Oxygen applications in the laboratory.
Galvanic DO Electrode for DO and BOD Measurements in Laboratories
- Ideal for laboratory use- Integrated with built-in temperature sensor- Comes with replaceable 7544 DO Electrode Tip, detachable BOD bottle adapter and stirrer - Use magnetic stir plate during measurement- Waterproof
Automated System for Identification and Control of Pharmaceutical Codes
The automated system for identifying pharmaceutical codes includes two scanners of the pharmaceutical code, two sensors for the presence of an object and a data processing unit (BOD). When the box or instructions are passed under the object presence sensors, the farm code is read by the corresponding scanner and the results are transmitted to the computer via the Ethernet interface. The BOD verifies the correctness of the read out farm code by comparing this code with the reference farm code set at the beginning of the system operation. If the farm code has not been read or does not match the standard, the packaging machine stops and the type of error is displayed on the indicators.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Analysis Systems
MANTECH has a variety of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) systems to best suit the needs of your laboratory. Whether you need manual or automated, big or small, simple or complex, MANTECH can create the ideal BOD solution for your laboratory. MANTECH’s Automated BOD analysis systems are robust, come with easy to use software, and provide accurate results that stand the test of time.
BOD Meter
BOD MeterLD-LBOD-A10is a benchtop unit designed to automatically measure B.O.D. (biological oxygen demand) with 0 to 4000 mg/ L measurement range. Simple and safe mercury pressure difference measurement method is applied to prevent poisoning caused by the leakage of the mercury column. Equipped with high end brand mini thermal printer, quickly prints measurement process data, result data. Automatically saves test data on power failure and executes experimental process once power supply is on.
UV Analyzers
Model UV6
The Model UV6 Analyzers are a family of on-line sampling analyzers that use UV absorption to perform an analysis. The analyzers are configured to perform analysis over a wide range of values for each parameter measured, Nitrate, Color, or the correlation at 254 nm wavelength for COD, BOD or TOC. The UV6 Analyzers are easy to start up and use, simply connect the sample, waste and cleaning solution/reagent lines and then power up the Factory Calibrated analyzer. Wall mounting hardware is standard but an optional benchtop stand with reagent holder is also available. Accessing information or customizing an analysis routine are easily accomplished with the simple, user friendly menu structure and touch screen interface.
Benchtop pH/ORP/Ion/DO/BOD Meter
Water quality analysis is repeatedly performed in laboratories on a daily basis. Our compact and powerful benchtop model was developed to provide simplicity with excellent on-site usability.
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand)
The role of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is to measure the amount of oxygen needed to remove organic waste from the water of bacteria.Important to know, the larger the Biochemical Oxygen Demand, the more rapidly oxygen is depleted in the stream. This means there will be less oxygen in the water.biological oxygen demand is essential By providing information to assess the effect discharged wastewater will have on the receiving environment.The BOD value is commonly expressed in milligrams of oxygen consumed per liter of sample during 5 days of incubation at 20°C.The goal is maintaining the aquatic life and aesthetic quality of streams and lakes.
Photoelectric Distance Sensors
BOD 24K Family
High resolution and precise measurement at close range. Optical distance sensors in the BOD 24K product family combine precision and intelligence. You can use this family‘s high resolution and accuracy to solve difficult problems with ease. For example, fine positioning of robot arms or quality inspection of small components.