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chemical oxygen demand.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Analyzer
MANTECH’s revolutionary PeCOD® Analyzer technology provides accurate chemical oxygen demand (COD) results in 15 minutes — without the use of harmful chemicals including dichromate and mercury. Highly adaptable for wastewater and drinking water applications, the PeCOD® Analyzer’s patented nanotechnology-based approach to COD analysis will save you time and money while protecting the environment and the health and safety of your workers.
Chemical Oxygen Demand Online Analyzer
With the years of experiences on process analysis and environmental monitoring instrument development, the Focused Photonics develops the COD Online Analyzer which is a new generation in the world. Such analyzer applies advanced sequence injection platform, and combines with national standard detection method, so it can provide reliable, accurate COD monitoring results.
Automatic COD Monitor
High-performance Automatic CODMN Monitor Can Achieve Regulation and Compliance with Advanced Technology and More Than 30 Years of Accumulated Expertise
Crack Opening Displacement (COD) gauges
Instron® Crack Opening Displacement transducers are designed specifically to perform standard ASTM and ISO fracture mechanics tests (both cyclic and static), covering all common specimen geometries (CT, SEB, Centre Crack, Arc Shaped). Each model offers class leading linearity, whilst being rugged enough to withstand the high energy release common in many of these applications and can be used at both elevated and sub-ambient temperatures. These gauges comply with requirements laid down in ASTM E399-09.
Organic Pollutant Monitor
The OPSA-150 is a organic pollutant monitor that uses HORIBA's proprietary Rotary Cell Length Modulation, a measuring technique incorporating 25 years of expertise. The unit can be used as an organic pollutant monitor at drainage systems for determining compliance with COD monitoring regulations, for monitoring quality of water measuring levels of organic matter at water supply intakes, and as an organic monitor on process lines (phenol meter).*Pole mount, outdoor cover, and analysis panel are available as options.
High Temperature Furnace COD Gages (1200 C or 1600 C)
Model 3548COD
Jinan Testing Equipment IE Corporation
These COD gages mount on a water-cooled bracket, which is mounted on the furnace side cut-out or with optional load frame support brackets. The standard temperature version (to 1200℃) is supplied with high purity alumina rods. The high temperature option is furnished with alpha grade silicon carbide rods. Rods are made to order to the length required for your furnace. Mounting brackets may be integrated with the furnace cut-out. Epsilon can also provide optional load frame mounting brackets to fit your test frame. Contact edges on the test sample should be somewhat rounded (not sharp knife edges) for best performance with this model. The Model 3548COD extensometers are strain gaged devices, making them compatible with any electronics designed for strain gaged transducers. Most often they are connected to a test machine controller. The signal conditioning electronics for the extensometer is typically included with the test machine controller or may often be added. In this case the extensometer is shipped with the proper connector and wiring to plug directly into the electronics. For systems lacking the required electronics, Epsilon can provide a variety of solutions, allowing the extensometer output to be connected to data acquisition boards, chart recorders or other equipment.
Submersible Extensometers
Model 4030
Jinan Testing Equipment IE Corporation
The Model 4030 extensometer uses a special LVDT-like sensor to measure strains on samples submersed in water or other compatible liquids. The unit is provided with the signal conditioning electronics. The extensometer is a semi-custom design, which is available in smaller measuring ranges up to 5 mm (0.2 inches). Clip-on (COD) style designs are also available.
TOC Analyzer
Fast, Accurate, Low-maintenance Monitoring of TOC, COD, TOD or Nitrogen
Online COD Analyzer
Fast, Accurate, Low-maintenance Monitoring of COD, TOC, TOD or Nitrogen
Water Quality Monitoring System
Water Quality Monitoring System (WQMS) is a facility to measure pollutants such as Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Phosphates (TP), Total Nitrogen (TN) etc. The required parameters are customized according to the type of factory and discharge regulations.
Water Quality Analyzer(COD,TN,TP,ammonia,heavy Metals)
The SIA-3000 series is a new generation of miniaturized water quality online analyzers. Compared to the SIA-2000 series, it is easy to operate, highly integrated and produces far more accurate readings. Not only is it a superior appearance, but it also has improved user experience. It is suitable for miniature water quality monitoring stations, monitoring mobile waters and other similar application scenarios.
COD Analyzer
COD AnalyzerLD-LCDA-A10is a benchtop unit which measures COD of the water sample in the range of 0 to 1500 mg/L by dichromate colorimetric method. It comes along with digester, dispelling 21 samples simultaneously by sealing reflux method within digesting time range of 0 to 120 min. Functions with 200 data storage capacity and two point calibration (zero and full scale calibration). Used in water quality monitoring and environmental protection, petroleum, chemical industry and heath etc.