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1) Application Programming Interface. 2) Angle Position Indicator
See Also: Application Program Interface
- Pickering Interfaces Inc.
LXI Microwave Multiplexer, 50Ω Dual 18-Channel 6GHz SMA
This LXI Microwave Multiplexer is controlled through an LXI interface based on 1000Base-T Ethernet. This provides a quick and easy method of installation. It also provides a simple way of controlling it at a remote location through its API or built in soft front panel.
Cloud-to-Cloud API Access
Cloud Connector
Nectar’s proprietary Cloud Connector enables secure connectivity to public cloud sources such as UCaaS, CCaaS, and CPaaS service telemetry APIs. Built to support enterprise-class volume and resiliency requirements, the Cloud Connector not only provides the platform with public cloud connectivity but also enables ingestion of private enterprise call data.
Cloud-to-Cloud API Access
Cloud Connector
Nectar’s proprietary Cloud Connector enables secure connectivity to public cloud sources such as UCaaS, CCaaS, and CPaaS service telemetry APIs. Built to support enterprise-class volume and resiliency requirements, the Cloud Connector not only provides the platform with public cloud connectivity but also enables ingestion of private enterprise call data.
Consistometers are designed to test a cement's thickening time under a variety of downhole conditions in compliance with API standards. Single and dual-cell models are available.
Data Link Monitor
Listen32 is a 32-bit version of Listen which includes all the above features plus the ability to launch and monitor communications from separate Win32 processes without being physically connected to the serial cable. It operates much like the Socket Spy applications, hooking the communications API within Windows by launching a target application using the Win32 Debugger API.
Density/Specific Gravity Meter
For Measuring Density, Specific Gravity and API DegreesASTM D1250, ASTM D1298, ASTM D4052, ASTM D7777. The automated CANNON D155 offers a low-cost, affordable alternative to manual hydrometer methods for measuring density and specific gravity with easy, one button operation. Built-in thermal control provides quick, precise measurement with 4 decimal resolution.
Digital Attenuator Operating Frequency of 1 to 20 GHz
LDA Series
The LDA series of Lab Brick® RF and Microwave Programmable Digital Attenuators includes 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm bidirectional RF step attenuators with calibrated operation up to 20 GHz. These USB powered and controlled units require no additional DC supply voltage. They are easily programmable for fixed attenuation or swept attenuation ramps directly from the included GUI. Lab Brick Digital Attenuator API DLL, Linux drivers and LabVIEW-compatible drivers are also available for custom programming applications.
Digital Stik Liquid Level Sensor
The 7250 Series digital stiks take field proven magnetostrictive sensing technology and packages it for greater reliability and easier installation. This liquid level sensor is ideal for liquid level monitoring, interface level and leak detection in a variety of liquid media in above ground and underground storage tanks. It was designed to meet EPA Leak Detection and API Inventory Monitoring requirements and has been approved for use in hazardous environments.The 7250 Series is series has an inherently lower cost design which results in savings. It provides the same performance and reliability as sensors that consume more power.
Dynatrol® Digital Density Converters
Series 2000
For increased speed and accuracy, use the Series 2000 Digital Converters with all Dynatrol® Density Cells. Microcontroller technology measures to meet your needs: Density, Specific Gravity, °Brix, Baumé, API Gravity, Percent Solids, Percent Concentration, °Twaddle of liquids and slurries.
Floating Roof Tanks Spill Prevention
The SIL IntelliPointcapacitance probe level switch is specifically designed for Floating Roof Top Tanks (internal and external roofs) with a flexible brass level sensing probe. The level probe sensing element is field adjustable for lengths up to 15' (4.6 m). Electronincs are designed to meet API 2350 Overfill Protection.
GenICam3 API Library
Spinnaker SDK
The Spinnaker SDK is FLIR’s next generation GenICam3 API library built for machine vision developers. It features an intuitive GUI called SpinView, rich example code, and comprehensive documentation designed to help you build your application faster. The Spinnaker SDK supports FLIR USB3, 10GigE, and most GigE area scan cameras. Supported platforms: Windows / Linux Ubuntu / MacOS
HS1760/MIL-STD-1760E Network Interface Controller for PCI Express
Avionics Interface Technologies
Configuration Variants available: PCIe-HS1760-NCNT: One NC Node and One NT Node, PCIe-HS1760-NCNC: Two NC Nodes, PCIe-HS1760-NTNT: Two NT Nodes - SAE AS5653-Compliant Network Controller/Network Terminal NIC - Unsolicited data path for handling Fibre Channel link service or non‐FC-AE‐1553 traffic - Supports DMA for high speed streaming of data - 75 Ohm single‐ended or 150 Ohm Differential coax interface – TNC connectors - Each port supports 1.0625 Gbps speed - ANSI C API interface for both NC and NT - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, & VxWorks - Quad (4) port board available on request
HS1760/MIL-STD-1760E XMC Network Interface Controller
Avionics Interface Technologies
Configuration Variants available: XMC-HS1760-NCNT: One NC Node and One NT Node, XMC-HS1760-NCNC: Two NC Nodes, XMC-HS1760-NTNT: Two NT Nodes - SAE AS5653-Compliant Network Controller/Network Terminal NIC - Unsolicited data path for handling Fibre Channel link service or non‐FC-AE‐1553 traffic - Supports DMA for high speed streaming of data75 Ohm single‐ended or 150 Ohm Differential coax interface – TNC connectors - Each port supports 1.0625 Gbps speed - ANSI C API interface for both NC and NT - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, & VxWorks - Quad (4) port board available on request
Intel Owl is an Open Source Intelligence, or OSINT solution to get threat intelligence data about a specific file, an IP or a domain from a single API at scale. It integrates a number of analyzers available online and is for everyone who needs a single point to query for info about a specific file or observable.
Laser Tracker SMRs & Laser Tracker Probes
MetrologyWorks provides a full line of Laser Tracker Spherically Mounted Retroreflector (SMR) Ball Probes. Every SMR is compatible with all OEM Laser Trackers including FARO, API, and Hexagon (Leica). We Currently offer 3 Laser Tracker SMR Versions in 3 Sizes.
Managed Threat Detection Service
Amazon GuardDuty is a managed threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious or unauthorized behavior to help you protect your AWS accounts and workloads. It monitors for activity such as unusual API calls or potentially unauthorized deployments that indicate a possible account compromise. GuardDuty also detects potentially compromised instances or reconnaissance by attackers.
Mechanical Properties
Mechanical Properties Analyzers (MPRO) continuously measures the elastic mechanical properties (Poisson's Ratio, Young's modulus, Bulk Modulus) and the compressive strength of API cement as it cures under high-temperature and high-pressure conditions.
MIL-STD-1553 VXI Module
The QVXI-1553X provides new levels of performance and flexibility for MIL-STD-1553A and B Notice II on a C-size card. Available in commercial, industrial and conductively cooled versions with one, two or four dual-redundant channels, the QVXI-1553X includes "abstract" API (Application Programming Interface) software that reduces application development time.
MonkeyLearn API
Bring fast and powerful Text Analysis into your apps.Integrate fast and powerful Text Analysis into your Apps. From topic classification to sentiment analysis and entity extraction. Do it in a matter of days, not months!
Netrounds Control Center
The core component of Netrounds is a unifying cloud-based Control Center that provides a consolidated GUI for operations staff, as well as a cloud API for external OSS orchestrators, to remotely control Netrounds' four classes of traffic-generating active probes: vProbe, SW Probe, HW Probe and Agent Probe. The Control Center provides aggregated or detailed real-time result views and historic KPIs and SLA monitoring metrics.
Network Management
WebNMS SNMP API - Go Edition is a comprehensive development toolkit for developing SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) based network management applications using Go language. It offers extensive and powerful libraries in Go to build real-time applications to manage and monitor network devices such as routers, servers, switches etc., at ease.
Network Management
WebNMS SNMP API offers a comprehensive development toolkit for SNMP-based network management applications. WebNMS''s SNMP stack comprises a set of powerful Java SNMP library to build real-time applications for monitoring and tracking network elements that are reliable, scalable, and OS independent
Notification Hubs
*Reach all major platforms—iOS, Android, Windows, Kindle, Baidu*Use any back end, in the cloud or on-premises*Fast broadcast push to millions of mobile devices with single API call*Tailor push notifications by customer, language, and location*Dynamically define and notify customer segments*Scale instantly to millions of mobile devices
OEM Modules
Several serial protocols are supported for control of the OEM modules from your application. A free C/C++ API is available to handle the low-level command protocol.
Programmable HiRes Wideband Digital Attenuator
The LDA-133 Digital Attenuator is a bidirectional, 50 Ohm step attenuator. It provides fast attenuation changes from 10 to 13000 MHz with a step size of 0.5 dB and 63 dB of control range. All attenuators are easily programmable for fixed attenuation, swept attenuation ramps and fading profiles directly from the included Graphical User Interface (GUI). Alternatively, for users wishing to develop their own interface, Vaunix supplies LabVIEW drivers, Windows API DLL files, Linux drivers, Python examples and much more.
Protocol Stack
WebNMS CLI API offers a comprehensive protocol stack for delivering Java-based and web-based solutions to manage Command Line Interface (CLI) enabled devices. WebNMS CLI API with the CLI protocol stack supports CLI protocols such as SSH stack (SSH1, SSH2), CLI telnet, CLI transport provider, etc. The CLI command set and CLI parsing enables a good base to build network management applications for CLI device management.
Rental Hardware
Occasionally MetrologyWorks will have portable CMMs in stock for rental including, Faro(TM), Hexagon Leica(TM), and/or API(TM) Laser Trackers, Romer and/or FARO Measurement Arms. In addition to MetrologyWorks rentals.
RZ Family of 64-Bit & 32-Bit Arm-Based High-End MPUs
RZ/N Series is a family of scalable and performant Arm® based communication devices that support multiple Industrial Ethernet protocols. An API towards the application software makes the communication software transparent and lets developers focus on what they know best - solving customers’ problems.
The J1939 API is a programming interface that allows quick and easy development of J1939 applications on a PC with Windows operating system.The programming interface of the API is based on the IXXAT VCI driver and is therefore available for all IXXAT PC CAN interfaces. Based on the J1939 protocol software from IXXAT, the SAE J1939 API allows complete simulation of J1939 applications on a PC.
SLCAN stands for "Serial CAN Protocol" and is a simple ASCII protocol for communication with USB-CAN adapters. This protocol has established itself as the standard, especially for inexpensive CAN adapters. We offer special firmware (SLCAN firmware) for our Tiny CAN modules I and II for using this protocol.
The Circuit Sleuth API Tool Kit routines offer an alternative solution for users who prefer writing or need to write their own control programs, or have specific application needs for frequency response analysis. The “C” callable routines and DLLs provide direct access to the analyzer, enabling the user to control instrument functions and data management.