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Faraday Cages
a space surrounded by an electromagnetic radiation barrier
See Also: RF Enclosures, Shielded Box, Shielded Cabinets, Shielded Enclosures, EMI Test Systems
- LBA Group, Inc
RF Shielding Services
LBA offers complete architectural RF shielding capabilities, including RF shielding for communications, medical and other radio frequency interference sensitive facilities. LBA is a major provider of architectural shielding solutions for buildings, laboratories and other spaces. LBA also offers other RF shielding materials, such as paints, fabrics and faraday cages, as well as an integrated line of shielding components to provide a comprehensive shielding system.
Cell Stand
The CS-3A Cell Stand is adopted with CHI series Electrochemical Analyzers and other apparatus directly. The cell is enclosed in a Faraday cage to reduce electrical interference. A built-in gas control allows purging a sample. Gas line is provided to purge next sample, while analyzing the present sample separately, thus increasing productivity. Magnetic stirrer allows for controlling the mixing of the sample for experiments requiring mass transport of electrolyte or analyte to the electrode surface. Cell top positioner with detachable cell cap allows easy removal and replacement of the cell vial as well as the electrodes for rinsing, cleaning, and replacement.
Picoamp Booster and Faraday Cage
With the CHI200(B) Picoamp Booster and Faraday Cage, current down to a few picoamperes can be readily measured. The CHI200 is compatible with the Model 600/A, 700/A series of instruments, while the CHI200B is compatible with Model 600B/C and 700B/C series. When used with 700/A/B/C series bipotentiostat, the Picoamp Booster will affect the primary channel only.
Safety Digital Multimeters
Digital Multimeter is used to measure stray voltage and current in harsh weather environments. Additionally, all internal circuits are conformal coated, it contains an internal all-metal Faraday cage, and has a built-in self-test to ensure ultimate integrity of measurement. The 601ES DMM is NASA Range Safety Board and USAF Space Wing Board approved, proving its intelligent design is ultra-safe.
Faraday Cages
LBA's EMFaraCage® faraday cages are EMI and RFI shielding boxes and RF test enclosures that bring convenience to device testing. Faraday cages are ideal for isolating critical systems in high field RF environments or wherever RF ingress or egress must be minimized. Security, production testing, biomedical research and semiconductor testing are only a few of the many areas where EMFaraCage® faraday shielded enclosures are employed. EMFaraCage® faraday cage enclosure systems are fully featured to support a wide variety of test missions. The standard faraday cages include effective power, dataline and RF signal isolation in large test volumes. EMFaraCage® faraday cages are much more affordable than shielded room solutions and offer the convenience of portability.
Mu-Copper Faraday Cages
Holland Shielding Systems B.V.
Mu-copper foil is used to create a Faraday cage in an existing room or building.
EMF Measurements/EM Measurements/Electromagnetic Radiation
Holland Shielding Systems B.V.
Electromagnetic fields cause interference in electronic devices and may affect the health of people close to where the fields are generated. It is important to recognize this at an early stage in a construction process, for instance at a future construction location or while construction is already underway, so that budgets are not exceeded. By means of field-strength measurements one can chart the existing electromagnetic fields and radiation emitted by GSM, UMTS antennas and transformer spaces, to mention a few examples. These measurements can help determine the best location in the new building for rooms where sensitive measurements are to take place, e.g. in hospitals or nano laboratories. And last but not least, field-strength measurements can detect sources of interference and can be part of a scheduled check of existing screened spaces and Faraday cages.
Freestanding Modular Faraday Cage
Holland Shielding Systems B.V.
A freestanding (independent of the host building) prefabricated modular Faraday cage provides a superior screening of RF-signals and is applicable in a wide range of situations for a wide range of purposes as described below.
Faraday Cage
Electrostatic noise from the laboratory environment disturbs measurement signals and decreases data quality drastically for small current signals. Our Faraday Cage enables effective shielding for measurement on high impedance or low current samples.