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- Pickering Interfaces Inc.
EBIRST 104-pin D-type Verification Fixture
The 93-022-101 104-pin D-type Verification Fixture is an accessory for the eBIRST range of USB controlled test tools capable of performing automated path resistance tests on Pickering Interfaces switching solutions. The tool simply interfaces with the switching system's connector so a test can be run using the supplied Windows-based software.
Circuit Simulation, Power Analysis and Jitter Analysis Design Tools
The GreenPoint Design Simulation Tool is an interactive online design and verification tool to help you generate and validate an electronic design. The simulation module provides an interactive design and verification environment. The power analysis module provides an interactive environment to analyze the performance of intelligent power modules (IPMs). The Phase Noise Explorer module enables an interactive environment for advanced phase noise/jitter analysis of clock tree designs.
Control Coupling Analysis
VerOLink (Verify Object Linking) is a verification tool (DO-178B, DO-330, IEC 61508 and ISO 26262) that helps satisfy the control coupling objective. Control coupling provides a measure of the correctness of the integration of many independently compiled object files linked to form a single executable image. Even if all requirements based tests are performed on the integrated executable image and the coverage is measured at the object code level without instrumenting the code, the possibility still exists that the linker could have linked a function call incorrectly. VerOLink is used to provide this final check. Verification of the code integration is fully automatic with VerOLink. The tool analyzes the executable image to find all functions and all function calls and their locations in the object files. By analyzing the object files used in an application, VerOLink verifies that the function calls within an executable image have been resolved correctly when the linker combined the object files
Development Test for Electric Motors with Power Electronics
Test bench for electric machines and inverters in hybrid applications*Control of mechanical parameters*Verification of electrical properties*Checking the LL characteristics*Short circuit measurement*Recording the performance process*Noise measurement*Temperature measurement
Dual Channel Bit Synchronizer for Rates up to 45 Mbps
The Lumistar LS-45-DB Dual Channel Bit Synchronizer Daughterboard provides optimal reconstruction of a serial PCM data stream that has been corrupted by noise, phase jitter, amplitude modulation, or base line variations. The all-digitaldesign assures a high performance, consistent product, with excellent reliability and long-term stability. Dual channel design can feed each channel of the LS-55-DD dual decom. The LS-45-DB also has a post D combiner that allows for optimal ratiocombining of the two input signals A unique Built-in-Test feature allows performance verification for the Bit Synchronizer to ensure the highest level of operation. Auto-test BIT is performed for a short duration on the application of power and tests more than 90% of the Bit Synchronizer components. This test verifies that power is properly applied, verifies that there are no internal bit errors, and performs other tests to ensure that the bit synchronizer is fully operational with status indication of results. Command-test BIT performs the same functions and can be initiated by the user at any time through the Lumistar software when used on Lumistar PC products. The user has the ability to generate internal pseudo-random patterns and calculate internal bit error rates with or without the injection of forced errors.Various status indicators are also available through the software. The Bit Synchronizer also contains a BER reader as well as frame sync pattern indicator.
Dual-Vision Sensor for Intersection Control and Safety
TrafiSense2 Dual
FLIR TrafiSense2 Dual combines best-in-class thermal and visual imaging technology with advanced video analytics to provide vehicle and bicycle presence detection at signalized intersections, day and night. Thermal imaging lets traffic operators see in total darkness and inclement weather. The daylight camera offers additional visual verification for such incidents as wrong-way drivers and animal crossings. In addition, FLIR's analytics capture accurate traffic data, making FLIR TrafiSense2 Dual ideal for real-time traffic management in urban environments.
Fast conversion of images between 11 color spacesColor segmentation: to identify objects based on their colorColor verification: to verify the color of objects
Electrical Circuits Control Device
ZET 452
ZET 452 is an automated module for electrical circuits parameters control that is used for electrical circuits impedance and insulation resistance monitoring in automated mode. The monitoring is performed in accordance with the set participation and without participation of an operator. ZET 452 allows to reduce the time necessary for verification procedure more than in 20 times if compared with the standard measurement instruments normally used for these purposes.
Embedded Development Kit
The TySOM Embedded Development Kit is for the embedded designer who needs a high-performance RTL simulator/debugger for their embedded applications such as IoT, Factory Automation, UAV and Automotive. The kit includes Riviera-PRO Advanced Verification Platform and a Xilinx Zynq development board that contains single Zynq chip (FPGA + Dual ARM Cortex-A9), memories (DDR3, uSD), communication interfaces (miniPCIe, Ethernet, USB, Pmod, JTAG) and multimedia interfaces (HDMI, audio, CMOS camera).
SD 3.0 / eMMC 4.51 IP Family
The eMMC Host IP is an RTL design in Verilog that implements an MMC / eMMC host controller in an ASIC or FPGA. The core includes RTL code, test scripts and a test environment for full simulation verifications. The Arasan MMC / eMMC Host IP Core has been widely used in different MMC applications by major semiconductor vendors with proven silicon.
Emulation Platform
The Veloce® Emulation Platform dramatically reduces risk in the verification of today’s complex SoCs and is a core technology in the Mentor Enterprise Verification Platform™ (EVP). Mentor’s software and application solutions and continual enhancements enable a comprehensive verification environment for IP, chip, and system level verification.
Enhance Transactional Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) testbenches
TrekUVM automatically generates self-verifying test cases that run in existing transactional testbenches, including those compliant with the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) standard. This verifies your chips more quickly and more thoroughly than using UVM alone to generate transactions. TrekUVM's generated test cases target all aspects of full-chip verification and work in a variety of different environments.
Ethernet Protocol Analyzer
Absolute Analysis Investigator features the most flexible, scalable and versatile instrument for protocol test and verification. The architecture is extensible to support multiple protocols and multiple test applications to meet the expanding requirements of various network topologies. CPRI, Serial RapidIO, Fiber Channel, Ethernet (10, 100, 1000, 10G), Serial FPDP, Custom military or secure protocols.
Fixture Kit
Electronic Test Fixture Kit Very low-cost kit facilitates use in situations where traditional fixtures are too expensive:o Research & Developmento Engineeringo Low-volume Production Uses include:o Debuggingo Programmingo Verification and Test
FPGA Simulation
Active-HDL™ is a Windows® based, integrated FPGA Design Creation and Simulation solution for team-based environments. Active-HDL’s Integrated Design Environment (IDE) includes a full HDL and graphical design tool suite and RTL/gate-level mixed-language simulator for rapid deployment and verification of FPGA designs.
Framework for Soft-Error Protection
RobustScan™ provides a platform for users to pick patented Configurable Soft-Error Resilience (CSER) cells or their preferred SER mitigation cells. First, Soft-Error Rate (SER) analysis is performed. Then it performs automatic robust-scan-cell and hardenedcombinational- cell selection and synthesis. Finally it generates verification testbenches for the final design. RobustScan™ can be used with scan chains inserted using third-party tools; it can be linked to third-party�s SER analysis programs and is fully compatible with SynTest�s existing DFT tools for test, debug, and diagnosis.
Frequency Converter Upwards
The UPCONVERTER 10 GHz control software is VXI Plug & Play and does not depend on the module version. The software allows for automated calibration and verification of the main characteristics of the device.
Fully Automatic Test Machine for Ceramic Substrates
1. CCD automatic alignment, with an accuracy of ± 10μm2. Support layout test, displacement function3. The upper and lower jigs X, Y, θ are automatically fine-tuned to improve the yield4. Automatic loading and unloading of magazine5. Automatic bad marking and verification of scratches
Functional Test Fixtures
EMC Technologies designs and manufactures discretely wired and wireless functional test fixtures used for performance verification of PCBs and Electronic Assemblies. Commercial applications have included work in support of many industries including: satellite TV, computer servers, medical, networking, and telecommunication.
Functional Verification
The Mentor Graphics Scalable Verification" is the most comprehensive EDA solution for functional verification, merging standards support, tools and a "design for verification" methodology to minimize verification cycles and costly design respins.
Generate MC/DC Test
Modified Condition / Decision Coverage (MC/DC) provides two levels of verification for conditional expressions. The first level, named MC/DC Branches, tracks each subcondition in an expression to verify that is has been tested with both True and False values. The second level, named Equivalence Pairs, verifies if each subcondition can affect the value of the condition. This is done by generating a truth table for the expression, and then finding a pair of rows in the table that will generate a different result when all values except the tested value remain constant.
Generates Test Cases on ICE
TrekSoC-Si automatically generates self-verifying C test cases to run on the embedded processors in SoCs in in-circuit emulation (ICE), FPGA prototyping, and production silicon. This verifies your chips more quickly and more thoroughly than hand-written diagnostics or running only production code on the processors. TrekSoC-Si's generated test cases target all aspects of full-SoC verification and work in a variety of different environments. TrekSoC-Si is a companion to TrekSoC, which generates test cases for simulation and acceleration. TrekSoC-Si extends the benefits of TrekSoC into hardware platforms.
Hybrid Verification Platform
HES-DVM™ is a fully automated and scalable hybrid verification environment for SoC and ASIC designs. Utilizing the latest co-emulation standards like SCE-MI or TLM and newest FPGA technology, hardware and software design teams obtain early access to the hardware prototype of the design. Working concurrently with one another they develop and verify high-level code with RTL accuracy and speed-effective SoC emulation or prototyping models reducing test time and a risk of silicon re-spins.
An extensive SPICE toolset for extensive circuit design. Includes everything for analog and mixed-signal circuits, less ICAP/4's Smith chart, Library Manager and model generation tool (SpiceMod). Contains newly enhanced analyses for advanced design verification, design pass/fail measurement capability and automated component stress alarms.
*Illumination units for contour and position verification*External LED illumination for contour / pattern match sensors*Permanent light or pulse operation*White light, red light and infrared versions*Compact and robust housing
Impedance meters
Electronic components meters for circuit verification in laboratories, technical schools and technical support centres.
Inline Barcode Verifiers
DataMan 475V Series
Cognex barcode verification technology ensures the readability and compliance of 1D and 2D barcodes to industry standardization guidelines. Today most companies spot check codes one at a time using an offline, operator-based verifier which can be slow and cumbersome.
IR / Infrared Thermometer, Digital, -32°C to +650°C, 2 %, -32 °C, 650 °C
Simply point the unit and squeeze the trigger to provide fast, accurate surface temperature measurement. Attached laser pointer provides immediate verification of aim. In addition to accuracy specifications this unit delivers an incredible 20:1 Distance to Spot Ratio
Laser Scanner w/ Reality Capture & 3D Scanning Software
BLK360 & Autodesk ReCap 360 Pro
Leica BLK360 is a truly amazing laser scanner, that fits in your hand, you can carry in your pocket, take it to places that a bulky laser scanner is hard to carry. It’s trendy, stylish, easy to use and looks like the Apple of the laser scanners. Autodesk ReCap 360 Pro is a reality capture and 3D scanning software that helps make building renovation, construction verification, and complex modeling projects more efficient. Key features include automatic scan registration, point cloud viewing & editing and collaboration.
Logic Analyzers
Verification and debug of today's high speed, low voltage digital signals requires probing solutions that can accurately acquire from a wide variety of electronic designs and protect signal fidelity. Tektronix logic analyzer probes contain a variety of connectivity options that are engineered to ensure that signal acquisition is a true reflection of your design's performance. Compare and learn more about Tektronix logic analyzer probe solutions.