460 - Oersted Technology
The Model 460 is a 3-channel, high-resolution gaussmeter, for use with single or multi-axis probes. It is capable of measuring magnetic fields from 0.001 Gauss to 300kGauss, with a DC accuracy +/- 0.10%. This unit is designed for demanding applications, such as material analysis and field mapping, where low-noise, high-resolution magnetic measurements are necessary. Measurements of AC and DC magnetic fields are shown in Gauss or Tesla on the two-line vacuum fluorescent display. The Model 460 features RS232C and IEEE-488 ports, allowing the instrument to be controlled via a remote computer or automation equipment. The Model 460 can be used with a 3-axis probe or with three separate single-axis probes, effectively providing three Model 450 gaussmeters in one instrument. Probes are sold separately, and are available in a wide range of constructions.