Multichannel ARINC 429 Interface Device
DAS-429UNET/RTx - Excalibur Systems, Inc.
Our DAS-429UNET/RTx is an intelligent, multichannel ARINC 429 interface device that can be connected to any Windows device with a USB or Ethernet connector. It monitors and records all or selected 429 traffic for later analysis or reconstruction in the lab.
Exalt is our Windows base graphical tool that allows you to analyze real time or recorded data using many different views: raw data, engineering units or graphical displays.
Data can be then extracted from the recorded file, and re-transmitted over the bus to another system in order to see in detail what happened during the recorded test.
The combination of a handheld computer, 429Unet card and Exalt provides a complete solution for testing and maintaining ARINC-429 networks.