Mechanical Tester
NANOVEA Mechanical Tester is the most versatile nanoindenter and scratch tester capable of precisely measuring the micro- to nanomechanical properties of wide ranges of materials from thin films, coatings, ceramics and composites to polymers and bio materials via Indentation, Scratch and Friction testing. All NANOVEA Mechanical Tester models come with true feedback load control from independent load and depth sensors that provide unmatched accuracy and the highest repeatability available on the market. This technology allows a user to perform Nanoindentation and Microindentation for Hardness and Elastic Modulus Testing, Stress vs Strain Analysis, Creep and Relaxation, Loss and Storage Modulus, Yield Strength and Fatigue, Fracture Toughness and Nano-scratch & Micro-scratch for Scratch Hardness Testing, Multi-pass Wear Test, Cohesive and Adhesive Failure Testing as well as Coefficient of Friction testing, all available on one system.