Modular DC Power Supply
62000B series - Chroma ATE Inc.
Chroma's new 62000B series of Modular DC Power Supplies offer many unique features for Burn-in and plating/electrolysis applications. The features include a N+1 redundancy, high power densities, hot-swappable maintenance, remote ON/OFF and programmable control via the CAN bus. The 62000B family offers 5 types of power module with ranging from 1V to 150V, current from 10A to 90A, and offers two mainframe type of six and three position. The six position mainframe can envelop in up to six power modules paralleled operation for 9KW power output. The 62000B can easily parallel up to fourteen mainframe to 120KW with current sharing and CAN bus control for bulk power applications. The Modular DC Power Supplies of 62000B are very cost effective with high power density and low current ripple. These instruments have be designed for burn-in applications such as the LCD panels, DC-DC converters, power inverters, notebook computers, battery chargers and many other types of electronic devices.