Power Amplifiers for Radio Amateurs
Kuhne electronic GmbH (Kuhne electronic)
From classic equipment for simple QSOs to high performance modules for contests, EME-operations and satellite radio: Our products provide absolute top performance. When choosing their equipment many radio amateurs and club-stations don't compromise and trust in the proven quality of Kuhne electronic amplifiers. Numerous contest victories, records and first contacts with a country were and are achieved with Kuhne products. Our amplifiers are remarkable for high gain and high linearity. LD-MOSFET and GaAs-FET-systems are the state-of-the-art technology in the amateur sector and enable the perfect use for all analog and digital modes (e.g. SSB, CW, WSJT, ATV, DATV). Small mechanical measurements and milled aluminum cases enable high temperature stability and tower mounting. Don't compromise and get technology from Kuhne electronic!