CAPS Trace-Level NO2 Analyzer
Model T500U - Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation (TAPI)
The T500U CAPS NO2 Analyzer represents the next generation of criteria pollutant monitoring technology for the direct measurement of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in air. The instrument utilizes a patented Cavity Attenuated Phase Shift (CAPS) technique to provide an extremely sensitive, fast and accurate NO2 measurement in a cost effective and low maintenance instrument package.The T500U provides a direct NO2 measurement, eliminating the need for catalytic conversion or reagents which introduce measurement artifacts inherent in traditional heated metal converter based chemiluminescense instruments. The CAPS measurement approach also reduces maintenance items, and removes the need for hazardous materials and high temperature scrubbers within the instrument. The T500U has an expected maintenance interval of one year under typical ambient monitoring conditions.