2-Channel 200 MHz A/D with 766 DDCs, Kintex UltraScale FPGA - PCIe
Model 78865 - Pentek, Inc.
Model 78865 is a member of the JadeTM family of high-performance x8 PCIe boards. The Jade architecture embodies a new streamlined approach to FPGA-based boards, simplifying the design to reduce power and cost, while still providing some of the highest- performance FPGA resources available today. Designed to work with Pentek’s new NavigatorTM Board Support package, the combination of Jade and Navigator offers
users an efficient path to developing and deploying FPGA-based data acquisition and processing applications. The 78865 is a two channel data converter with a total of 766 programmable DDCs
(digital downconverters). It is suitable for connection to HF or IF ports of a communications or radar system. Its built-in data capture feature offers an ideal turnkey solution for extremely high-channel-count systems.