DDR3 Compliance Test Bench
W2350EP - Keysight Technologies
The W2350EP DDR3 Compliance Test Bench helps solve the problem of simulation-measurement correlation. In the past, the pre-manufacture design could be simulated and tested using compliance tools from an EDA vendor. And the post-manufacture prototype could be bench tested using compliance tools from test and measurement instrument vendors.However, because of subtle differences between the two vendors independent approaches to compliance, it was almost impossible to correlate the two. This opened the possibility of the pre-manufacture design passing and the post-manufacture prototype failing, necessitating a time-consuming and expensive design spin. In contrast, DDR3 Compliance Test Bench leverages the exact same industry-leading Compliance App used on Keysight Infiniium oscilloscopes. It mimics a real hardware test bench, and, using a scripting technology called "Waveform Bridge," emits the same waveforms that the Infiniium app receives when you are testing in your lab. Thus, the exact same tests no ifs, ands, or buts -- are applied to both the pre-manufacture simulated design and the actual post-manufacture prototype. DDR3 Compliance Test Bench supports not only DDR3 but also LPDDR3.