C Series Temperature Input Module
The C Series Temperature Input Module features up to 16 channels of temperature input from either thermocouples or RTDS. This module can include anti-aliasing filters, open-thermocouple detection, and cold-junction compensation. Additionally, the module also feature isolation for safety, noise immunity, and high common-mode voltage range.The C Series Temperature Input Module includes the NI-DAQmx driver and configuration utility that simplify configuration and measurements. NI-DAQmx supports NI programming environments as well as Python, ANSI C, C#.NET, and MathWorks MATLAB® software.
NI-9210, 4-Channel, 14 S/s Aggregate, ±80 mV C Series Temperature Input Module
784788-01 - NI
4-Channel, 14 S/s Aggregate, ±80 mV C Series Temperature Input Module - The NI‑9210 includes anti-aliasing filters, open-thermocouple detection, and cold-junction compensation for high-accuracy thermocouple measurements. The NI‑9210 features NIST‑traceable calibration and a channel‑to‑earth ground double isolation barrier for safety, noise immunity, and high common-mode voltage range.
NI-9210, 4-Channel, 14 S/s Aggregate, ±80 mV C Series Temperature Input Module
785043-01 - NI
4-Channel, 14 S/s Aggregate, ±80 mV C Series Temperature Input Module - The NI‑9210 includes anti-aliasing filters, open-thermocouple detection, and cold-junction compensation for high-accuracy thermocouple measurements. The NI‑9210 features NIST‑traceable calibration and a channel‑to‑earth ground double isolation barrier for safety, noise immunity, and high common-mode voltage range.
NI-9210 and cDAQ-9171 USB Temperature Measurement Bundle
865662-01 - NI
NI-9210 and cDAQ-9171 USB Temperature Measurement Bundle - The USB Temperature Measurement Bundle with NI-9210 and cDAQ-9171 includes the cDAQ-9171 CompactDAQ Chassis and the NI-9210 C Series Temperature Input Module. This bundle provides a portable, USB-based sensor measurement system with the NI-9210, which is a high-density thermocouple input module that supports 4 channels, a 14 S/s aggregate sample rate, and a ±80 mV temperature range. Additionally, the bundle supports features such as anti-aliasing filters, open-thermocouple detection, and cold-junction compensation for high-accuracy thermocouple measurements.
NI-9213, 16-Channel, 75 S/s Aggregate, ±78 mV C Series Temperature Input Module
785185-01 - NI
16-Channel, 75 S/s Aggregate, ±78 mV C Series Temperature Input Module - The NI‑9213 is a high-density thermocouple input module that is designed for higher channel count systems. With this module, you can add thermocouples to mixed-signal test systems without taking up too many slots. The NI‑9213 includes anti-aliasing filters, open-thermocouple detection, and cold-junction compensation for high-accuracy thermocouple measurements. The NI‑9213 features NIST‑traceable calibration and a channel‑to‑earth ground double isolation barrier for safety, noise immunity, and high common-mode voltage range.
NI-9213, 16-Channel, 75 S/s Aggregate, ±78 mV C Series Temperature Input Module
785185-02 - NI
16-Channel, 75 S/s Aggregate, ±78 mV C Series Temperature Input Module - The NI‑9213 is a high-density thermocouple input module that is designed for higher channel count systems. With this module, you can add thermocouples to mixed-signal test systems without taking up too many slots. The NI‑9213 includes anti-aliasing filters, open-thermocouple detection, and cold-junction compensation for high-accuracy thermocouple measurements. The NI‑9213 features NIST‑traceable calibration and a channel‑to‑earth ground double isolation barrier for safety, noise immunity, and high common-mode voltage range.
NI-9213, cDAQ-9171, and cRIO-9940 USB Temperature Measurement Bundle
865682-01 - NI
NI-9213, cDAQ-9171, and cRIO-9940 USB Temperature Measurement Bundle - The USB Temperature Measurement Bundle with NI-9213, cDAQ-9171, and cRIO-9940 includes the NI-9213 C Series Temperature Input Module and the cDAQ-9171 CompactDAQ Chassis for voltage measurements. This bundle also includes the cRIO-9940 Backshell for strain relief and operator protection from high-voltage signals. The included NI-9213 provides noise immunity, a high common-mode voltage range, NIST-traceable calibration, differential analog inputs, and four channels. Additionally, the NI-9213 features anti-aliasing filters, open-thermocouple detection, and cold-junction compensation for high-accuracy thermocouple measurements.
sbRIO-9211, Non-Enclosed, 4-Channel, 14 S/s Aggregate, ±80 mV C Series Temperature Input Module
780877-01 - NI
Non-Enclosed, 4-Channel, 14 S/s Aggregate, ±80 mV C Series Temperature Input Module - The sbRIO‑9211 includes anti-aliasing filters, open-thermocouple detection, and cold-junction compensation for high-accuracy thermocouple measurements. The sbRIO‑9211 features NIST‑traceable calibration and a channel‑to‑earth ground double isolation barrier for safety, noise immunity, and high common-mode voltage range. Non-enclosed modules are designed for OEM applications.
NI-9226, 8-Channel, 400 S/s Aggregate, 0 Ω to 4000 Ω, PT1000 RTD C Series Temperature Input Module
783864-01 - NI
8-Channel, 400 S/s Aggregate, 0 Ω to 4000 Ω, PT1000 RTD C Series Temperature Input Module - The NI‑9226 is a resistance temperature detector (RTD) input module. You can configure the NI‑9226 for two sample rate modes: high sample rate or high resolution. The NI‑9226 is compatible with 3‑ and 4‑wire RTD measurements, and it automatically detects the type of RTD (3‑ or 4‑wire) connected to the channel and configures each channel for the appropriate mode. The module provides per-channel current excitation. The NI‑9226 features calibration and includes a channel‑to‑earth ground double isolation barrier for safety, noise immunity, and a high common-mode voltage range.
NI-9226, 8-Channel, 400 S/s Aggregate, 0 Ω to 4000 Ω, PT1000 RTD C Series Temperature Input Module
783864-02 - NI
8-Channel, 400 S/s Aggregate, 0 Ω to 4000 Ω, PT1000 RTD C Series Temperature Input Module - The NI‑9226 is a resistance temperature detector (RTD) input module. You can configure the NI‑9226 for two sample rate modes: high sample rate or high resolution. The NI‑9226 is compatible with 3‑ and 4‑wire RTD measurements, and it automatically detects the type of RTD (3‑ or 4‑wire) connected to the channel and configures each channel for the appropriate mode. The module provides per-channel current excitation. The NI‑9226 features calibration and includes a channel‑to‑earth ground double isolation barrier for safety, noise immunity, and a high common-mode voltage range.
NI-9226, 8-Channel, 400 S/s Aggregate, 0 Ω to 4000 Ω, PT1000 RTD C Series Temperature Input Module
785189-01 - NI
8-Channel, 400 S/s Aggregate, 0 Ω to 4000 Ω, PT1000 RTD C Series Temperature Input Module - The NI‑9226 is a resistance temperature detector (RTD) input module. You can configure the NI‑9226 for two sample rate modes: high sample rate or high resolution. The NI‑9226 is compatible with 3‑ and 4‑wire RTD measurements, and it automatically detects the type of RTD (3‑ or 4‑wire) connected to the channel and configures each channel for the appropriate mode. The module provides per-channel current excitation. The NI‑9226 features calibration and includes a channel‑to‑earth ground double isolation barrier for safety, noise immunity, and a high common-mode voltage range.
NI-9217, 4-Channel, 400 S/s Aggregate, 0 Ω to 400 Ω, PT100 RTD C Series Temperature Input Module
779592-01 - NI
4-Channel, 400 S/s Aggregate, 0 Ω to 400 Ω, PT100 RTD C Series Temperature Input Module - The NI‑9217 is a resistance temperature detector (RTD) input module. You can configure the NI‑9217 for two sample rate modes: high sample rate or high resolution. The NI‑9217 is compatible with 3‑ and 4‑wire RTD measurements, and it automatically detects the type of RTD (3‑ or 4‑wire) connected to the channel and configures each channel for the appropriate mode. The module provides per channel current excitation. The NI‑9217 features calibration and includes a channel‑to‑earth ground double isolation barrier for safety, noise immunity, and a high common-mode voltage range.
NI-9216, 8-Channel, 400 S/s Aggregate, 0 Ω to 400 Ω, PT100 RTD C Series Temperature Input Module
783863-01 - NI
8-Channel, 400 S/s Aggregate, 0 Ω to 400 Ω, PT100 RTD C Series Temperature Input Module - The NI‑9216 is a resistance temperature detector (RTD) input module. You can configure the NI‑9216 for two sample rate modes: high sample rate or high resolution. The NI‑9216 is compatible with 3‑ and 4‑wire RTD measurements, and it automatically detects the type of RTD (3-‑or 4‑wire) connected to the channel and configures each channel for the appropriate mode. The module provides per channel current excitation. The NI‑9216 features calibration and includes a channel‑to‑earth ground double isolation barrier for safety, noise immunity, and a high common-mode voltage range.
NI-9216, 8-Channel, 400 S/s Aggregate, 0 Ω to 400 Ω, PT100 RTD C Series Temperature Input Module
783863-02 - NI
8-Channel, 400 S/s Aggregate, 0 Ω to 400 Ω, PT100 RTD C Series Temperature Input Module - The NI‑9216 is a resistance temperature detector (RTD) input module. You can configure the NI‑9216 for two sample rate modes: high sample rate or high resolution. The NI‑9216 is compatible with 3‑ and 4‑wire RTD measurements, and it automatically detects the type of RTD (3-‑or 4‑wire) connected to the channel and configures each channel for the appropriate mode. The module provides per channel current excitation. The NI‑9216 features calibration and includes a channel‑to‑earth ground double isolation barrier for safety, noise immunity, and a high common-mode voltage range.
NI-9216, 8-Channel, 400 S/s Aggregate, 0 Ω to 400 Ω, PT100 RTD C Series Temperature Input Module
785186-01 - NI
8-Channel, 400 S/s Aggregate, 0 Ω to 400 Ω, PT100 RTD C Series Temperature Input Module - The NI‑9216 is a resistance temperature detector (RTD) input module. You can configure the NI‑9216 for two sample rate modes: high sample rate or high resolution. The NI‑9216 is compatible with 3‑ and 4‑wire RTD measurements, and it automatically detects the type of RTD (3-‑or 4‑wire) connected to the channel and configures each channel for the appropriate mode. The module provides per channel current excitation. The NI‑9216 features calibration and includes a channel‑to‑earth ground double isolation barrier for safety, noise immunity, and a high common-mode voltage range.
NI-9214, 16-Channel, 68 S/s Aggregate, ±78 mV, Isothermal C Series Temperature Input Module
781510-01 - NI
16-Channel, 68 S/s Aggregate, ±78 mV, Isothermal C Series Temperature Input Module - The NI‑9214 is a high-density thermocouple input module that is designed for higher channel count systems. The NI‑9214 includes features to increase overall accuracy, such as CJC sensors in the terminal block, component layout to minimize thermal gradients, and an autozero channel for offset error compensation.
sbRIO-9213, Non-Enclosed, 16-Channel, 75 S/s Aggregate, ±78 mV C Series Temperature Input Module
781210-01 - NI
Non-Enclosed, 16-Channel, 75 S/s Aggregate, ±78 mV C Series Temperature Input Module - The sbRIO-9213 is a high-density thermocouple input module that is designed for higher-channel-count systems. With this module, you can add thermocouples to mixed-signal test systems without taking up too many slots. The sbRIO-9213 includes anti-aliasing filters, open-thermocouple detection, and cold-junction compensation for high-accuracy thermocouple measurements. The sbRIO-9213 features NIST-traceable calibration and a channel-to-earth ground double isolation barrier for safety, noise immunity, and high common-mode voltage range. Non-enclosed modules are designed for OEM applications.
NI-9212, 8-Channel, 95 S/s/ch Simultaneous, ±78 mV C Series Temperature Input Module
782975-01 - NI
8-Channel, 95 S/s/ch Simultaneous, ±78 mV C Series Temperature Input Module - The NI‑9212 offers channel‑to‑channel, isolated thermocouple input channels. The NI‑9212 channel‑to‑channel isolation protects channels from continuous voltages up to 250 Vrms and transient (withstand) voltages up to 1500 Vrms. You can use the NI‑9212 in a variety of applications that are not conducive for bank-isolated channels such as white goods testing, in-vehicle data logging, battery stack testing, as well as in various other noisy industrial environments.
NI-9212, 8-Channel, 95 S/s/ch Simultaneous, ±78 mV C Series Temperature Input Module
785259-01 - NI
8-Channel, 95 S/s/ch Simultaneous, ±78 mV C Series Temperature Input Module - The NI‑9212 offers channel‑to‑channel, isolated thermocouple input channels. The NI‑9212 channel‑to‑channel isolation protects channels from continuous voltages up to 250 Vrms and transient (withstand) voltages up to 1500 Vrms. You can use the NI‑9212 in a variety of applications that are not conducive for bank-isolated channels such as white goods testing, in-vehicle data logging, battery stack testing, as well as in various other noisy industrial environments.
NI-9211, 4-Channel, 14 S/s/ch, ±80 mV C Series Temperature Input Module
779001-01 - NI
4-Channel, 14 S/s/ch, ±80 mV C Series Temperature Input ModuleThe NI‑9211 includes anti-aliasing filters, open-thermocouple detection, and cold-junction compensation for high-accuracy thermocouple measurements. The NI‑9211 features NIST‑traceable calibration and a channel‑to‑earth ground double isolation barrier for safety, noise immunity, and high common-mode voltage range.