3-m, 50-pin Dsub Cable
Y1136A - Keysight Technologies
Connect this m/f twisted pair with outer shield cable to 34980A multifunction switch/measure mainframe and modules
- Cables, Cable Assemblies, and Leads
- 3-m, 50-pin Dsub Cable
- 1 Meter Long SCSI Cable with 100 Pin Connector
- 10-meter (33 feet) Sensor Cable
- 15-meter (49 feet) Sensor Cable
- 2 Meter Long SCSI Cable with 100 Pin Connector
- 25-meter (82 feet) Sensor Cable
- Sensor Cable, 5 M
- A-quad-B cable
- Cable Assembly, 3.5 mm (m) to 3.5 mm (m), DC to 26.5 GHz
- Cable Assembly, Type-N (m) to Type-N (f), DC to 5 GHz
- Cable Assembly, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m), DC to 18 GHz
- Cable Assembly, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m), DC to 6.0 GHz
- Cable Assembly, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m), DC to 6.0 GHz
- Laser Head Cable, 3 m
- Laser Head Cable, 20 m
- Laser Head Cable, 20 m
- Laser Head Cable, 20 m
- Laser Head Cable, 3 m
- Laser Head Cable, 7 m
- Laser Head Cable, 7 m
- PCIe Cable: x1 To x8, 2.0m
- Power Sensor and SNS Noise Source Cable (1.5m / 5 feet)
- Power Sensor and SNS Noise Source Cable (6.1m/20 feet)
- Power Sensor and SNS Noise Source Cables (3 m/10 feet)
- Terminal Block and SCSI-II 68 Pin Connector with 1 Meter Cable
- Terminal Block and SCSI-II 68 Pin Connector with 2 Meter Cable
- 3-meter Laser Head Cable
- Test Lead Set
- Starter Kit For B2985/B2987
- Low Noise Test Cables For N1413 With B2980 Series, 3m
- Low Noise Test Cables For N1413 With B2980 Series, 1.5 M
- Low Noise Test Leads For N1413 With B2980 Series, 3m
- Low Noise Test Leads For N1413 With B2980 Series, 1.5m
- GPIB Cable, 0.5 Meter
- Handheld Digital Multimeter PC Connectivity Cable
- Extended Test Lead Kit
- Standard Test Lead Kit
- SMT Grabbers
- Micro Dsub GPIB Cable Adapter For PZ2100A (0.25m)
- Micro Dsub GPIB Cable For PZ2100A (1m)
- High Current Triaxial Cable, 4 A, VOLT:DC 60V
- Low Inductance BNC Cable, VOLT:DC 60V
- BNC To SMB Cable, VOLT:DC 60V
- BNC To Ferrule Terminal Cable, VOLT:DC 3.3V
- Low Noise Triaxial Cable
- Triaxial To SMB Cable, VOLT:DC 210V
- 9- To 10-pin Cable Kit For Y1150A, Y1152A, Y1154A
- BNC Coaxial Cable (1.5 M Or 3 M)
- Banana-Triax Adapter For 2‑Wire (Non-Kelvin) Connection
- Cable Kit For M9301A LO Distribution
- CalPod Drive Cable, 40 GHz, 2 Meter
- High-Current, Ultra-Low Noise Filter, 21 V / 500 MA, 10 Ω
- Test Port Cable, 1 Mm
- Low Leakage Triaxial Cable (0.4m / 0.8m / 1.5m / 3m / 4m)
- 110 GHz, 1.0 Mm (m-f) Test Port Cable 10 Cm
- 16-to-16 Pin Cable Kit For Y1150A/51A/52A/53A/54A/55A
- Banana-Triax Adapter For 4‑Wire (Kelvin) Connection
- Cable Assembly with 2.4mm Male Connectors
- DMM Terminal Test Lead
- Deluxe Test Lead Set For The 3458A
- Flexible Cable Set, 2.4 Mm To 7 Mm
- Semi-Rigid Cable, 3.5 Mm (Test Port) To 3.5 Mm
- Upgrade - Accessory Kit For 34460A - Test Leads, USB Cable
- 1.5 M 50-pin D-Sub Cable
- 1.5-m, 78-pin Dsub Cable
- 3-m, 78-pin Dsub Cable
Multiplexer Modules for 34980A
The 34980A Multiplexer switches can be used to connect one of many different points to a single point. You can connect to an external instrument or switch multiple analog signals to the 34980A internal DMM. Multiple multiplexers can be connected together via the 4 analog buses to create an even larger multiplexer. The break-before-make feature also ensures that no two signals are connected to each other during a scan. All multiplexer modules also include a relay switch counter to help predict when relays need to be replaced.
Multifunction Switch / Measure Unit, Modules
34980A - Keysight Technologies
The 34980A General Purpose switches can be used to route signals or to control other devices in an application. These switches are ideal for device actuation, switching loads or power supplies. Both switches offer high power channels up to 150W. The general purpose modules also include a relay switch counter to help predict when relays need to be replaced.
RF & Microwave Modules for 34980A
The Keysight RF and Microwave multiplexer modules for the 34980A Multifunction Switch/Measure Unit offer broadband switching capabilities for switching from DC to 26.5 GHz. Use these modules to route test signals between your device under test and your signal generator, oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, or other instrumentation. A switch/attenuator driver module also allows control of switches and attenuators external to the 34980A Mainframe.
System Control Modules for 34980A
The 34980A System and Control modules provide additional measurement and control capabilities that are typically used in test applications. Choose from modules that include digital I/O with programmable polarity, D/A converter with onboard memory to create waveforms, and frequency counter/totalizers.