128 Channel Isolated Digital Input / Interrupt Module
DP-VXI-3117 - Data Patterns Pvt. Ltd. (Data Patterns Pvt. Ltd.)
DP VXI 3117 provides 128 isolated channel digital inputs for sensing DC levels and edge transitions of upto 48VDC. The input level selection for 5 (TTL / CMOS compatible), 12, 24 or 48V is made through on-board jumper selection. The debounce feature is programmable for a period of 2msec to 2147 sec. in binary increments. Channel groups 1 to 32, 33 to 64, 65 to 96 and 97 to 128 can each have a unique programmed debounce period, provided the ratio of clock period between groups does not exceed 32,768.