Car-to-X Signal Strength Emulator
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
QPER-C2X is a special adaptation of the signal strength emulator QPER, designed for mobile and Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (MANet and VANet). Every radio devices in such an infrastructure-less network acts as a sender, receiver, and forwarder (router). Therefore, the ports of the QPER-C2X hardware are fully connected with each other by dynamically controllable attenuators. The system is fully designed for frequencies up to 6 GHz, since wireless communication for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is based on the WLAN standard IEE 802.11p from 5.850 MHz to 5.925 MHz. The connected ITS stations can be either on-board units, as they are built into cars, or road side units that are used by road infrastructure (traffic lights, road work area delimiters, velocity signs). For tests in the lab, radio modules of such ITS stations are each kept in a shielding box that prevents any unwanted radiation over the air.