Company Directory
Showing 1876 - 1900 of 5,332 companies.
Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc.
Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. (GSSI) is the world's leading manufacturer of ground penetrating radar (GPR) equipment. With cutting-edge products designed to address a wide range of challenging applications, the GSSI name is synonymous with unsurpassed data quality and field-proven reliability.
Georator Corporation
Georator Corporation was founded in 1950, traditionally designing and manufacturing electrical frequency converters (permanent magnet generators and motor-generator sets) for industrial and government applications. Application for the Company's products range across all requirements to test or run equipment at a Hertz (Cycles per Second) other than US domestic 60 Hz.
Georg Fischer Signet
GF Piping Systems is the leading flow solutions provider worldwide, who enables the safe and sustainable transport of fluids. The company specializes in plastic piping systems and system solutions plus services in all project phases.
GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech Inc.
GeoSonics, Inc. and Vibra-Tech Engineers, Inc. each have long histories in the vibration community. Our personnel include several past and present leaders in the vibration and measurement industry. n 1995, Vibra-Tech Engineers, Inc. and GeoSonics, Inc. formed an alliance specializing in seismograph manufacturing, vibration services, noise control and blasting seismology.
Geotek Ltd.
Geotek specializes in high-resolution, non-destructive analysis of geological cores. We have supplied our range of Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) systems for over 20 years, using a suite of geophysical and geochemical sensors, providing equipment sales and services to science and industry worldwide.
GE Power
GE offers Programma® portable test instruments for the maintenance of electric power protection equipment, including protective relays, circuit breakers, battery systems and insulation systems.
Gerry Sweeney
My blog is a showcase and a platform for me to share my efforts and endeavours in electronics and related software. By documenting and cataloguing the projects I create, repairs I undertake, reviews and opinions I present, and making this all available I hope it will be at least interesting, useful and maybe even educational for others.
Gesellschaft für Mikroelektronikanwendung Chemnitz mbH
The company headquarters of GEMAC mbH turn out to be very long-standing already: At this place where once Wanderer Werke were based in, today more than hundred employees are working every day in the departments of research, development and production for sensor technology, measuring technique and ASIC-Design.
Gester Instruments Co., Ltd.
GESTER INSTRUMENTS CO.,LTD is professionally engaged in production and R&D of various material physical properties testing equipment. With 20 years experience in research and development, we help our customers in various fields to create the superior testing system.
Get Control, Inc.
Get Control, Inc. provides Embedded Solutions for our global customers including semiconductor fabs, equipment manufacturers, and other manufacturing industries. The company's automated material handoff products include E84 control, optical communication, emulation, recording and analysis. Get Control's environmental monitoring products include vibration recording and analysis for automated material handling systems.
GETS Systems Ltd
GETS Systems Ltd is a multi disciplined system design company for military and civil applications. GETS develops produces and markets several product lines for operational and testing purposes. Founded in 2004 with a wide range of cross-discipline expertise, in particular RF and digital hardware and software, Gets implements excellent cost/performance solutions. GETS has quickly built up a wide ranging portfolio of customers and a core of commercially available propriety designs for final customer customization which includes tailored products, simulators, and test systems.
GF Instruments, s.r.o.
Development, manufacturing, sale and rental of measuring instruments for geophysical, geological, environmental and laboratory use including gamma-ray spectrometers and dose rate meters, DC resistivity systems, electromagnetic conductivity meters, magnetic susceptibility meters, metal detectors, laboratory instruments and special equipment based on above mentioned methods designed to the user’s request.
GHI Systems
Economical, high tech products to improve environment measurement and simulation technologies.
Giatec Scientific Inc.
Company is revolutionizing the construction industry by bringing smart concrete testing technologies and real-time data collection to the forefront of every jobsite.
Since almost 30 years, Gidel stands for high-performance embedded processing solutions. Whenever high data rates need to be processed in real-time and with low latency, customers come to Gidel. They benefit from worldwide renowned design capabilities of high-performance FPGA and ASIC solutions, powerful easy-to-use FPGA programming tools, and a rich library of machine vision and data processing algorithms for FPGAs. Typical applications are embedded vision, mission-critical systems, and data centers. Besides custom solutions, Gidel also features a broad range of high-bandwidth frame grabbers for 10, 40, and 100 Gigabit Ethernet, CoaXPress, and Camera Link as well as FPGA data processing modules for stand-alone operation of in PC architectures.
GigaBaudics Co.
GigaBaudics has delivered ultra-high-performance, multi-GHz programmable delay lines, attenuators and RF switching products for over 25 years, to a variety of customers that demand performance which simply cannot be found, anywhere else. In addition to our standard products, we commonly deliver semi-custom, customer-driven designs, which comprise about 30 percent of our total business.
We specialize in fiber optic components and systems and agencies that focused on these products.
Gigahertz-Optik GmbH
Gigahertz-Optik GmbH began as a representative for international electro-optics manufacturers in 1986. From inception, our main application areas have been the
Gigahertz Solutions GmbH
Measuring technology and protective products for electrosmog. Made in Germany since 1997.
GigaNet Systems Inc.
Emulation product line has industry's richest feature set to mimic real word scenarios accurately and easily. key benefits of incorporating VirtualNet emulation product in your lab environment.
Gigasense AB was formed in 1951 as PIAB. The company marketed its products under the PIAB brand, including the famous PIAB dynamometer. In 2008, it changed its name from PIAB Sverige AB to Gigasense AB, and the Gigasense Anti Collision System was brought into the range. In 2010, Gigasense acquired JK Lab Instrument AB, which became one of its subsidiaries.
GigaTest Labs
We specialize in measurements and model development for high speed digital interconnects.