Bio-Rad Laboratories
Bio-Rad is a global leader in developing, manufacturing, and marketing a broad range of innovative products for the life science research and clinical diagnostic markets.
- 800-224-6723
510-724-7000 - 510-741-5800
- 1000 Alfred Nobel Drive
Hercules, CA 94547
United States
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Hemoglobinopathy Testing Products
Today's most demanding laboratories can turn to Bio-Rad HPLC assays for a range of fully automated testing solutions, whether they are running a few samples or hundreds of samples a day. Get the gold standard in HPLC technology for revealing hemoglobinopathies in your laboratory. We offer instruments and reagents for measuring hemoglobinopathies and screening for sickle cell disease.
Autoimmune Diseases
Autoantibody testing plays an important role in the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. Bio-Rad has a strong history of expertise and innovation in autoantibody testing starting with the Kallestad IFA slides over 40 years ago. As a market leader, Bio-Rad offers complete solutions for the autoantibody testing including the BioPlex™ 2200 System which allows laboratories to recognize more results with less effort.
Microbiology Testing Products
Bio-Rad microbiology products are a diverse array of: Culture media, rapid assays, biochemical tests, direct antigen detection, immunological serotyping, latex agglutination, and other tools for the recovery, growth, identification, and measure of microorganisms from clinical specimens.
Infectious Disease Testing Products
Bio-Rad's range of infectious disease testing products covers diagnostic testing needs— with improved sensitivity and reliability. Our expertise in immunology and automation makes Bio-Rad an outstanding partner for your serology testing needs.
Blood Typing & Screening Products
Bio-Rad offers IH-Complete: a scalable and networked transfusion medicine solution with fully-automated, semi-automated, and/or manual gel/tube options. There's a fit for every unique work environment and budget.
Diabetes Testing Products
Bio-Rad has been at the forefront in developing the world's most accurate and precise diabetes testing products. Today, Bio-Rad offers a full range of innovative HbA1c products for clinical laboratories, hospital laboratories, clinics and physician office laboratories. All Bio-Rad diabetes testing systems are NGSP (National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program) certified, traceable to the DCCT (Diabetes Control and Complication Trials), and anchored to the IFCC reference method.
Molecular Testing Products
Build confidence in your life science research and clinical diagnostics results with molecular testing products that give you the sensitivity, efficiency, and reliability you need to advance your research and support patients through health crises. With a range of products and support spanning molecular controls and standards, through grants and QC data management solutions, Bio-Rad is here for every step of your journey.
Cell Isolation & Analysis
Life's complexity originates in cells, spanning cellular structure, genetic diversity, gene expression, and complex tissue formation. Serving as the fundamental unit, cells form the foundation of all biology. Characterization of cells, their processes and interactions can provide insights into areas like medicine, symbiosis, and biological diversity. Bio-Rad supports these inquiries, offering innovative technologies for your cell biology research.
Food & Beverage Testing Products
If you are in the food and beverage industry and are vigilant about the safety of the items you manufacture, or if you are a contract testing service lab looking for complete food safety testing products, Bio-Rad offers food safety testing products designed for small, medium and large volume laboratories.
Flow Cytometers
Get better, brighter, and faster flow cytometry results with our range of innovative instruments and reagents. Including the powerful, versatile and automation ready ZE5 Cell Analyzer, the compact S3e Cell Sorter and our ever-expanding flow cytometry antibody library.
Diagnostic Laboratory Software And Data Analysis
Enhance the way you manage quality control data, build connectivity in diagnostic workflows, ensure system security, and more with our diagnostic laboratory software and data analysis tools.
Clinical Diagnostic Products
Clinical diagnostic solutions should be productivity-focused and efficiency-driven without compromising reliability. We offer a broad range of clinical diagnostic products for blood group serology, infectious diseases, diabetes, newborn screening, autoimmune diseases, and more. By combining our tests with our automated platforms your laboratory can provide quality results and impact patient lives around the globe.