Seibersdorf Labor GmbH
A subsidiary of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, founded as a spin-off in 2009. The company provides high-quality laboratory and analysis work, application-oriented research and development as well as consulting and training.
- +43(0) 50550 2882
- +43(0) 50550 2881
- Radiofrequency Engineering
Seibersdorf, 2444
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Absorber Lined Shielding Enclosure Measurements
Due to on-going work in the standardization committee CISPR D (responsible for CISPR 25) the latest issue CISPR 25 Ed. 4.0 has not been cited to-date. In the meantime we are able to offer two different validation procedures:
During the recent years we have made scientific investigations regarding calibration procedures, which have been published and integrated in the European and International standards. The calibration of antennas and field probes in Seibersdorf is done on the reference open area test site, in three different TEM-Cells and in the fully anechoic chamber. The open area test site is one of the best in Europe. Since 1996 we are the accredited calibration laboratory according to Akkreditierung Austria 0612 for antennas and field probes.
The PLA-R and PLA-T are active, battery powered receive and transmit loop antennas for the frequency range 9 kHz - 30 MHz intended for radiated emission testing (PLA-R) and site validation: Normalized site Attenuation, Shielding Effectiveness (PLA-SET consisting of PLA-R and PLA-T)
Measurement Systems
Systems used in the process of associating numbers with physical quantities and phenomena.
Consulting & Training
For the performance of EMC testing laboratories the reliability of test results is a major concern. Therefore the knowledge of uncertainty calculations is an important issue.
Site Validation
The testing and performance evaluation of EMC test sites requires precision field-strength measurements. Seibersdorf is the European market leader in this business.
Field Uniformity
The purpose of our measurement is to characterise the properties (uniform field area, UFA) of the anechoic room according to IEC 61000-4-3 Ed. 3.1 b or EN 61000 4 3.
Field Probes
We calibrate following types of field probes:Electric field probesMagnetic field probesFlux density metersRadiation monitorsNear field probes
The Site VSWR measurement is done according to CISPR 16-1-4 in the frequency range from 1 GHz to 18 GHz using broadband omni directional antennas in horizontal and vertical polarisation. The volumetric test method is applied (test volume needs to be specified), test distance 3 m - any other distance upon request. The ground plane has to be covered with absorbing material.
Freespace VSWR
The Free Space VSWR validation is done according to J.S. Hollis, T.J. Lyon, L. Clayton: "Microwave Antenna Measurement", Scientific-Atlanta Inc., Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 1970.
Normalised Site Attenuation
Normalised Site Attenuation (NSA) is measured in accordance with CISPR 16-1-4 and ANSI C63.4 in semi and fully anechoic environment.
RF Test Equipment
We calibrate following types of RF test equipment:EMF test systems (frequency selective)EMF test systems (broadband)Field strength transfer standards (e.g. RefRad)Line Impedance Stabilisation Network (LISN)Cable, attenuator, couplerAntennaField Probe
Ambient Noise
The Ambient Noise (AN) measurement is done in accordance with CISPR 22 and EN 50022
Precision Conical Dipole
PCD 8250
Exposure evaluation next to mobile communication facilities e.g. GSM and UMTS base stations. Accurate RF radiation safety measurements e.g. nearby broadcast stations or in buildings. All kinds of field strength measurements where high precision, a wide frequency range and small antenna dimensions are required. Measurements according to our Field Nose method. Frequency range: 80 MHz 3 GHz
Comb Generator
RefRad X
A comb generator is built inside a conical antenna element. Therefore no cable between antenna and generator is required. Thus leads to repeatable measurement results and reliable simulation of radiation performance.Optionally a fibre link for synchronisation with the receiver is used.Frequency Range 10 kHz - 3 GHzFrequency Spacing 10 kHz, 1 MHz, 5 MHz