E + E Elektronik Ges.m.b.H
Development and production of sensors for measurement of relative humidity, CO2, air velocity and mass flow.
- +43 7235 605-0
- +43 7235 605-8
- info@epluse.com
- Langwiesen 7
Humidity Calibration Set
The humidity transmitters as all other measuring instrumentsshall be periodically checked and eventually adjusted. The most simple solution for this purpose is the E+E calibrationset.
Humidity calibration with humidity calibrator
The role of humidity calibrations that are accurate, reproducible, and documentable is becoming more and more important. The humidity calibrator HUMOR 20 developed by E+E is the ideal reference instrument for these requirements and is traceable to international standards. The HUMOR 20 can be used in the humidity range of 10-95% RH both for monitoring cylindrical sensors and also for monitoring instruments with cubic dimensions.
Humidity transmitters for HVAC
Humidity transmitter for heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology. Humidity transmitters for building technology are also available as OEM versions in custom designs.
Wireless sensors for humidity
The wireless transmitters in the EE240 series combine state-of-the-art sensor technology with excellent transmission reliability. Installing the wireless measurement system is very easy and one network can contain up to 500 transmitters. Wireless transmitters EE244 and EE245 are ideally suited for wireless, high-quality measurement of humidity and temperature.
Hand-held meter for humidity / temperature
The state of the art hand-held for precise measurement of various physical quantities, such as, humidity, temperature, dew point, air velocity, volumetric flow, air pressure. The numerous probes all incorporate high quality sensors developed by E+E and offer a total of 22 measurands.