EMC Instruments Corporation

EMC Instruments corporation was founded in AD 2009, a full range of products for system integration of EMC test equipment company, R & D development team has the expertise and technical experience and provide a customized service demand, the project includes a full range of EMI / EMS / RF test equipment with neighboring sell and repair, RF test periphery, EMI near-field antenna, medieval instruments and equipment ... for our customers to provide a complete test system, safe and stable working conditions, to achieve hundred percent efficient, well received by all levels of trust and certainly schools, technology companies, research institutions, the establishment of a professional and positive reputation services to achieve sustainable development.

  • (+ 886) -03-3286-998
  • (+ 886) -03-3288-376
  • sales@emci.com.tw
  • 1F,No.8,Lane38,
    WenSan 3rd street Kwei-Shan Hsiang
    Taoyuan Hsien, 33381

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