LBA Group, Inc
LBA manages the application and safety of electromagnetic energy, We offer a world of safety, RF, and wireless telecommunications industry infrastructure products and services supplied by the LBA Group companies, as well as resources, tools, and connections to the dynamic technology risk management, wireless, and radio frequency communities worldwide.
- 252-757-0279
- 3400 Tupper Drive
Greenville, NC 27834
United States
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- LBA Group, Inc
COLOCOIL® AM Isocoupler
LBA’s modular approach allows the operator to start with one CoLoCoil®, and build out to 6, 9, or more – supporting 50 or more antennas! Practically "plug and play", expansions are fast, minimize AM station impact, and maintain full grounding and lightning protection!
Digital RF Power Monitor
The COMM-connect 3024 RF Power Monitor from LBA Technology can control up to 8 external RF Measuring heads. The high dynamic range with external couplers and RF measuring heads cover from 1W to 1MW. The Power conversion algorithms handles multi carrier, multi mode, peak, average and RMS signals. The power readout is auto scaled and VSWR can be calculated between any probes. Also the measured and calculated results along with alarms can be shown in the local LCD. The instrument has SNMP support to allow network management. The instrument can be configured for VSWR and Power limits to give alarms. The alarms can be configured to operate relay drivers or isolated Optcouplers. The alarms can also be configured as SNMP traps sending relevant information to the network control center. The COMM-connect 3024 WEB enabled RF Power Monitor gives an unlimited number of applications to monitor and control the last part of your RF network installation from transmitters to the antenna.
Diplexers, Triplexers, Multiplexers & Combiners
LBA Technology custom engineered diplexers, triplexers, and multiplexers provide broadcast ers the ability to transmit two or three different AM signals for one series-fed antenna.
LBA Technology offers a wide range of styles of high power radio frequency (RF) feedthrough, standoff, and tower insulators.
Lightening Protection
Towers & Antennas
LBA offers a wide variety of lightning air terminals in the form of lightning dissipaters. Sometimes called a static dissipater, or static dissipation array, this relatively new and advanced air terminal replaces conventional lightning rods in most applications. It functions as a streamer retarding air terminal.
Lightning Masts
PLP- 32
PLP- 32 Lightning Masts are recommended for a wide range of lightning protection applications where it is impossible or undesirable to attach conventional lightning terminals. Other models in the series share the same attributes and differ only in height and weight.PLP-32 Lightning Masts provide a cone of protection within which lightning charges are diverted to the mast and grounded instead of to the protected object. Multiple PLP-32 masts may be used to protect extended areas. Protected areas may be determined by use of the widely accepted “rolling sphere” concept. For example, a single PLP-32 mast will protect 9 foot (2.14 m) high portable buildings wholly within a 40 foot (12.19 m) radius. An array of five PLP-32 masts will protect a camp of portable buildings within a 25,000 square foot (2323 m2) area. Consult LBA Technology™ for specific layouts you wish to protect.
Manpack MW Antenna
TGR-50 class
The TGR-50 class of rapidly deployable AM antennas is designed for easy transport and erection by limited personnel. No tower climbing or sophisticated lifting equipment are required for installation by a crew of three or four persons. Weight and packaging, according to model, typically permits transport by bearers, light vehicle, small boat, or helicopter. Disassembly and relocation is similarly convenient.
RF Inductors
LBA Technology "Blue Line" RF inductors are based on over 30 years of proven international performance. Blue Line inductors are unsurpassed for hi-Q, stability, and low RF losses. These inductors are manufactured from heavy silver plated copper conductors and brass fittings, treated to resist tarnishing. Windings are insulated with melamine or G-1 0 epoxy laminates. These materials are recognized for their exceptional RF qualities, arc resistance, mechanical strength, and low moisture absorption. Supporting frames are engineered to permit maximum access to windings for convenience in adjustment. The metallic frames are separated by insulators to prevent induced current flow.
RF Monitor Recertification
The use of RF personal monitors is widespread among wireless tower climbers and technicians. This is a relatively new development of the last five years or so. Prior to that, only a few monitors were in use. These were typically models developed for use by engineers, with a host of features not needed for routine climber protection. Consequently, they were expensive and not frequently used. As safety managers have begun to require all personnel working on wireless facilities to have personal monitors among their personal protective equipment, a new generation of cost effective equipment has emerged.
Static & Lighting Chokes
Lighting chokes are used to pass tower lighting voltages across the base insulator of a series-fed tower without appreciably altering the tower impedance. LBA TC-300 general purpose tower lighting chokes are provided for three wire 110/220 VAC circuits. Maximum current is 25 amps. These chokes are rated for peak base voltages to 10,000 volts, and present a typical reactance of +j5000 ohms at 530 kHz. Bypass capacitors are provided on each winding.
Versatile RF Network Analyzers for LF and MF
The TE3000-series of RF vector network analyzers have full vector measurement capability, and accurately resolves the resistive, capacitive and inductive components of a load. The user can display the vector impedance plus a range of related parameters including SWR, reflection coefficient, return loss and R-L-C equivalent circuit.
Wideband Digital RF Watt/VSWR Meter
RF ONE 3029
The RF One Power Meter is a very versatile instrument covering both analog and digital carriers in an extremely wide frequency range from 30MHz to 6GHz. The RF One is capable of measuring forward and reflected power in the range of a few milliwatts up to 500 Watts. The internal operating system controls measurement, display and the I/Os allowing serial communication to PC, USB to memory stick and USB Serial communication. The I/O options are used to write plots to either memory sticks or to a connected PC, the I/Os can also be used to operate the instrument, giving commands and receiving data. For documentation reference the instrument has a real time clock. Multilayer menus are used to setup and control the operation of parameters. The RF One instrument is small, handy and light weight battery operated with more than 3 hours of continuous operation on the internal NiMh cells. Feature with XML data handling and application viewer is included. Accessory kit with soft carrying bag, car charger and coax adapters for standard types.
Cable & Antenna Analyzer and Vector Network Analyzer
SiteOne 3028
The SiteOne 3028 is a Cable, Antenna Analyzer and a Vector Network Analyzer for cables, antennas and more, a truly handheld instrument. It covers all major communication bands from 50 kHz to 4400 MHz. It has a variety of measurement screens available, in order to accommodate all the different parameters in an antenna installation. These measurement screens can show two simultaneous graphs, from two different parameters in order to bring further clarity to your measurements.
EMCTD Broadband RF Safety Systems
The EMCTD analog Smart Fieldmeter® is easy to read and to operate. The EMCTD broadband electromagnetic probe covers the 0.2 to 3000 MHz spectrum where most common industrial, communications, medical and government RF emitters are found. The ANGPE-3000 system enables checking of home, office, and workplace RF levels. The system is designed to conveniently measure RF levels around WiFi access points, RFID systems and rooftop antennas; to find transmitter cabinet radiation, locate transmission line leaks, to identify non-radiating antenna elements, and much more. With the supplied NIST-traceable calibration, this system supports laboratory testing of RF devices in compliance with present EMC and RF safety standards.
Faraday Cages
LBA's EMFaraCage® faraday cages are EMI and RFI shielding boxes and RF test enclosures that bring convenience to device testing. Faraday cages are ideal for isolating critical systems in high field RF environments or wherever RF ingress or egress must be minimized. Security, production testing, biomedical research and semiconductor testing are only a few of the many areas where EMFaraCage® faraday shielded enclosures are employed. EMFaraCage® faraday cage enclosure systems are fully featured to support a wide variety of test missions. The standard faraday cages include effective power, dataline and RF signal isolation in large test volumes. EMFaraCage® faraday cages are much more affordable than shielded room solutions and offer the convenience of portability.